Call to a member function setattribute() on a non-object zend

Getting Started Introduction A simple tutorial Language Reference Basic syntax Types Variables Constants Expressions Operators Control Structures Functions Classes and Objects Namespaces Errors Exceptions Generators References Explained Predefined Variables Predefined Exceptions Predefined Interfaces and Classes Context options and parameters Supported Protocols and Wrappers Security Introduction General considerations Installed as CGI binary Installed as an Apache module Session Security Filesystem Security Database Security Error Reporting Using Register Globals User Submitted Data Magic Quotes Hiding PHP Keeping Current Features HTTP authentication with PHP Cookies Sessions Dealing with XForms Handling file uploads Using remote files Connection handling Persistent Database Connections Safe Mode Command line usage Garbage Collection DTrace Dynamic Tracing Function Reference Affecting PHP's Behaviour Audio Formats Manipulation Authentication Services Command Line Specific Extensions Compression and Archive Extensions Credit Card Processing Cryptography Extensions Database Extensions Date and Time Related Extensions File System Related Extensions Human Language and Character Encoding Support Image Processing and Generation Mail Related Extensions Mathematical Extensions Non-Text MIME Output Process Control Extensions Other Basic Extensions Other Services Search Engine Extensions Server Specific Extensions Session Extensions Text Processing Variable and Type Related Extensions Web Services Windows Only Extensions XML Manipulation GUI Extensions Keyboard Shortcuts?

PHP 7 ChangeLog Version 7. Fixed bug wrong reflection on Collator:: Fixed bug mysqli:: Fixed bug SIGSEGV with opcache. Fixed bug Phar:: Fixed bug readline moves the cursor to the beginning of the line. Fixed bug Wrong reflection on XMLReader:: Fixed bug Endless loop bypassing execution time limit. Fixed bug Segfault when killing within bash script trap code. Fixed bug Null coalescing operator fails for undeclared static class properties.

Fixed bug multiple catch freezes in some cases. Fixed bug php-cgi. Fixed bug Wrong reflection on DateTimeZone:: Fixed bug add constant for RFC format datetime. Fixed bug Wrong reflection on DOMNode:: Fixed bug compile fails on solaris 11 with system gd2 library. Fixed bug Intl does not support DateTimeImmutable. Fixed bug wrong reflection for Normalizer methods. Fixed bug wrong reflection for Locale methods.

Fixed bug Segmentation error while running a script in CLI mode. Fixed bug foreach infinite loop. Fixed bug Opcached version produces a nested array.

Fixed bug phar method parameters reflection correction. Fixed bug readline immediately returns false in interactive console mode. Fixed bug setcookie allows max-age to be negative. Fixed bug Remote socket URI with unique persistence identifier broken.

Patch for bug was reverted. Added support for MySQL 8. Fixed bug incorrect reflection for SQLite Fixed bug static embed SAPI linkage error. Fixed bug Leak with instance method calling static method with referenced return. Fixed bug Resolution of self:: FOO in class constants not correct. Fixed bug Build problems after 7. Fixed bug yield fromLABEL is over-greedy. Reverted patch for bugfixes bug Fixed bug Swatch time value incorrect for dates before Fixed bug iconv fails to fail on surrogates.

Fixed bug OPcache compilation performance regression in PHP 5. Fixed bug fwrite on non-blocking SSL sockets doesn't work. Fixed bug ArrayObject can not notice changes. Fixed bug Allow creation of deterministic sqlite functions.

Fixed bug Correctly fail on invalid IP address ports. Fixed bug Segfault with nested generators. Fixed bug PHP hangs when an invalid value is dynamically passed to typehinted by-ref arg. Fixed bug PHP 7.

Fixed bug Performance problem with processing large post request. Fixed bug NAN check fails on Alpine Linux with musl. Fixed bug Generating phar. Fixed bug Incomplete POST does not timeout but is passed to PHP. Fixed bug "new DateTime " sometimes returns 1 second ago value. Fixed bug php-fpm process accounting is broken with keepalive.

Fixed bug gost-crypto hash incorrect if input data contains long 0xFF sequence. Fixed bug ReflectionFunction for imagepng is missing last two parameters. Fixed bug Segfault with list. Fixed bug PHP Fast CGI crashes when reading from a pfx file.

Fixed bug mail. Fixed bug Relative datetime format ignores weekday on sundays only. Fixed bug DateTime wrong when date string is negative. Fixed bug wrong timestamp when call setTimeZone multi times with UTC offset. Fixed bug wrong day when using "this week" in strtotime. Fixed bug if statement says true to a null variable.

Fixed bug ReflectionFunction incorrectly reports the number of arguments. Fixed bug readlink returns garbage for UTF-8 paths. Fixed bug bug with symlink related to cyrillic directory. Fixed bug arginfo incorrect for unpack. Fixed bug DTrace reported as enabled when disabled. Fixed bug php-cgi fails to load -c specified php. Fixed bug php-fpm does not close stderr when using syslog. Fixed bug Premature failing of XBM reading. Fixed bug test for gmp. Fixed bug environmental build dependency in hash sha3 source.

Fix bug Link use CC instead of CXX. Fixed bug add serial hex to return value array. Implemented FR All data are fetched as strings. Fixed bug lastInsertId fails to throw an exception for wrong sequence name. Fixed bug PharData:: Fixed bug session not readable by root in CLI. Fixed bug closing of fd incorrect when PTS enabled. Fixed bug SoapClient stumbles over WSDL delivered with "Transfer-Encoding: Fixed bug imap is undefined service on AIX. Fixed bug intval with base 0 should detect binary.

Fixed bug ZipArchive:: Fixed bug Link use CC instead of CXX. Fixed bug invalid foreach loop hangs script. Fixed bug Logging of "Internal Zend error - Missing class information" missing class name. Fixed bug unserialized array pointer not advancing. CVE Fixed bug NULL Pointer Dereference while unserialize php object. CVE Fixed bug Use of uninitialized memory in unserialize.

CVE Fixed bug Unserialize use-after-free when resizing object's properties hash table. CVE Fixed bug Use After Free in unserialize. Fixed bug Type Confusion in Object Deserialization. Fixed bug DOTNET read access violation using invalid codepage. Fixed bug getElementsByTagNameNS filter on default ns. Fixed bug FPE when parsing a tag format. CVE Fixed bug DOS vulnerability in gdImageCreateFromGd2Ctx.

Fixed bug GMP Deserialization Type Confusion Vulnerability. Fixed issue with decoding BIT columns when having more than one rows in the result set. Fixed bug Seg fault when loading hostile phar. Fixed bug Memory corruption when loading hostile phar. CVE Fixed bug Crash while loading hostile phar archive. Fixed bug phpdbg without option never load. Fixed issue getting executable lines from custom wrappers.

Fixed bug phpdbg shows the wrong line in files with shebang. Fixed bug ReflectionObject memory leak. Reverted fix for Unsetting result set may reset other result set.

Fixed bug Unserialize context shared on double class lookup. Fixed bug Loading browscap. Fixed bug Adding settype ed values to ArrayObject results in references. CVE CLI Fixed bug CLI output japanese on Windows. COM Fixed bug DOTNET read access violation using invalid codepage. DOM Fixed bug getElementsByTagNameNS filter on default ns. EXIF Fixed bug FPE when parsing a tag format.

Fixed bug Method that returns string returns UNKNOWN: Fixed bug "SIGFPE Arithmetic exception" in opcache when divide by minus 1. Fixed bug Recursion when a variable is redefined as array. CVE phpdbg Fixed bug Crash out of memory when using run and command separator. SQLite3 Reverted fix for Fixed bug Unsetting result set may reset other result set.

Fixed memory leak null coalescing operator with Spl hash. Fixed bug Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize. Fixed bug DateInterval properties and isset. Disabled PHP call tracing by default it makes significant overhead. Fixed bug Add missing mysqlnd. Fixed bug check cached files permissions.

Fixed bug Logging for opcache has an empty file name. Fixed bug A use-after-free in zend allocator management. Fixed bug, Memory corruption in bindParam. Fixed bug SoapClient:: Fixed bug Segfault Regression for Fixed bug Reproducible crash with GDB backtrace.

Fixed bug Unsetting result set may reset other result set. Fixed bug HTTP stream wrapper should ignore HTTP Continue. Fixed bug Invalid read when wddx decodes empty boolean element. Fixed bug malformed XML causes fault. Added DFA optimization framework based on e-SSA form. Added specialized opcode handlers e. Added void return type. Added support for negative string offsets in string offset syntax and various string functions. Added a form of the list construct where keys can be specified.

Implemented safe execution timeout handling, that prevents random crashes after "Maximum execution time exceeded" error. Implemented logging to syslog with dynamic error levels. Implemented FR Support "nmake test" on building extensions by phpize. Fixed bug imagefilltoborder stackoverflow on truecolor images. CVE Fixed bug Exception:: Fixed bug segfault on undefined function.

Fixed bug PHP hangs if error handler throws while accessing undef const in default value. Fixed bug parse error: Fixed bug crypt broken when salt is 'too' long. Fixed bug PHP Segfaults when trying to expand an infinite operator. Fixed bug PHP Session Data Injection Vulnerability. Fixed bug memory allocator fails to realloc small block to large one. URL rewrite target hosts whitelist is implemented. Fixed bug getmxrr broken. Fixed bug Caught exception assignment to variables ignores references.

Fixed bug Calling an earlier instance of an included anonymous class fatals. Fixed bug previous property undefined in Exception after deserialization. Fixed bug Different references behavior comparing to PHP 5. Fixed bug Return by reference with finally is not memory safe. Fixed bug Wrong return value if var modified in finally. Fixed bug Memory leak when array altered in destructor. Added optind parameter to getopt. Added PHP to SAPI error severity mapping for logs.

Fixed bug Unable to set --enable-debug on building extensions by phpize on Windows. Fixed bug The destructor is called when an exception is thrown from the constructor. Implemented email validation as per RFC Fixed bug dtrace issue with reflection failed test. Fixed bug strange references after recursive function call and "switch" statement. Fixed bug Segmentation fault: Fixed bug list regression. Fixed bug tempnam should raise notice if falling back to temp dir.

Fixed UTF-8 and long path support on Windows. Fixed bug Assignment via string index access on an empty string converts to array. Fixed bug Exceptions can leak temporary variables.

Fixed bug It is possible to stiffen child class members visibility. Fixed bug Generators don't participate in cycle GC. Fixed bug Memleak if return in finally block. Fixed bug Missing separation of properties HT in foreach etc. Fixed bug Aborted Generators continue after nested finally. Fixed bug String offset assignment from an empty string inserts null byte. Fixed bug ASCII 0x7F Delete control character permitted in identifiers.

Fixed bug Finally leaks on nested exceptions. Change statement and fcall extension handlers to accept frame. Raise a compile-time warning on octal escape sequence overflow. Enable per-module logging in Apache 2. Fixed bug integer overflow in bzdecompress caused heap corruption. Fixed bug Inadequate error handling in bzread.

Fixed bug AddressSanitizer: Fixed bug Unable to work in root with unicode chars. Fixed bug Built-in webserver does not send Date header. Fixed bug Cannot pass parameter 1 by reference. Fixed bug Invalid free in extension trait. Fixed bug COM called from PHP does not return out parameters.

Fixed bug createFromFormat with 'z' format char results in incorrect time. Fixed bug Inconsistent behavior of the u format char. Fixed bug DateTime parser doesn't set microseconds for "now". Fixed bug microseconds are missing in DateTime class. Fixed bug microseconds in DateInterval are missing.

Fixed bug DateTime:: Fixed bug Allow DateTime modification with subsecond items. Fixed bug General DateTime improvments needed for microseconds to become useful. Fixed bug DateTime constructor does not initialise microseconds property.

Fixed bug Use After Free in PHP7 unserialize. Fixed bug strtotime seems to use both sunday and monday as start of week.

Fixed bug Cannot fetch multiple values with group in ini file. Data modification functions e. Fixed bug DOM document dangling reference. Invalid schema or RelaxNG validation contexts will throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error. Attempting to register a node class that does not extend the appropriate base class will now throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error.

Attempting to read an invalid or write to a readonly property will throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error. Fixed bug Samsung picture thumb not read zero size.

Fixed bug default option ignored when object passed to int filter. Fixed bug using --allow-to-run-as-root should ignore missing user. Implemented FR Option to ignore the returned FTP PASV address. Fixed bug Integer overflow in imageline with antialiasing. Fixed bug imagescale is not affected by, but affects imagesetinterpolation. Fixed bug Integer overflow in gdImageScaleBilinearPalette. Fixed bug Stack Buffer Overflow in GD dynamicGetbuf. Fixed bug imagettfbbox gives incorrect values for bounding box.

Fixed bug imagegd2 ignores 3rd param if 4 are given. Fixed bug imagegd2 writes wrong chunk sizes on boundaries. Fixed bug imagegd2: Fixed bug imagecreatefromgd2 may leak memory. Fixed bug imagetruecolortopalette: Fixed bug imagecopy does not support 1bit transparency on truecolor images.

Fixed bug imagecopy loses single-color transparency on palette images. Fixed bug imagegammacorrect allows arbitrary write access.

Fixed bug imagetypes function won't advertise WEBP support. Fixed bug imagearc ignores mastering option trading volatility strategies for full arcs.

Fixed bug Server Error but page is fully rendered. Fixed bug broken transparency of imagearc for truecolor in blendingmode. Fixed bug imagecropauto out-of-bounds access. Fixed bug imagecreatefromjpeg fails on selfie. Fixed bug Thick styled lines euro rates in pakistan history scrambled patterns.

Fixed bug XBM images require width to be multiple of 8. Fixed bug imagefilledpolygon doesn't draw horizontal line.

Added SHA3 fixed mode algorithms,and bit. An email address longer than bytes will throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error. Fixed bug add locale length check. Fixed bug add mitigation for ICU int overflow. Fixed bug Segfault when instantiating class that extends IntlCalendar and adds a property.

Fixed bug Asmita share stock broker pvt ltd Failure to call the parent constructor in a class extending Collator before invoking the parent methods will throw an instance of Error instead by earn email money reading in india resulting in a recoverable fatal error.

Cloning a Transliterator object may will now throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error if cloning the internal transliterator fails. Fixed bug IntlDateFormatter formatObject returns wrong utf8 value. Fixed bug IntlDateFormatter formatObject returns wrong value when time style is NONE.

Introduced encoder struct instead of global which fixes bugs and related to pretty print indentation. Fixed bug Segfault with goodbody stockbrokers ireland JsonSerializable.

Fixed bug mbstring. Fixed bug Heap Overflow due to integer overflows. Fixed bug Segfault when EXPLAIN with "Unknown column" error when using MariaDB. Fixed bug Bind reference overwritten on PHP 7. Fixed invalid handle error with Implicit Result Sets. Fixed bug Binding null values triggers ORA error. Fixed bug Segfaults when conditionally declared class and function have the same name. Fixed bug Typo in opcache error message. Fixed bug Infinite loop while parsing a file with opcache enabled.

Bumped a minimal version to 1. Dropped support for SSL2. Implemented FR Add elliptic curve support for OpenSSL. Implemented error storing to the global queue and cleaning up the OpenSSL error queue resolves bugs and Implemented asynchronous signal handling without TICKS.

Fixed bug Bundled PCRE doesn't compile because JIT isn't supported on s Downgraded to PCRE 8. Fixed bug mail fails with invalid argument. Upgraded to PCRE 8. Fixed bug Invalid memory access when using persistent PDO connection. Fixed bug Memory leak in PDO persistent connection handling.

Fixed bug call to empty on NULL result using PDO:: Fixed bug Never quote values as raw binary data. Add common PDO test suite. Free error and message strings when cleaning up PDO instances. Ignore potentially misleading dberr values. Implemented stringify 'uniqueidentifier' fields. Fixed bug PDO statement fails to throw exception. Fixed bug Segmentation fault when binding parameters on a query without placeholders.

Implemented FR Postgres PDO lastInsertId should work without specifying a sequence. Added generator command for inspection of currently alive generators. Implemented request invoke and invokeArgs static method calls should match. This method should be used instead of ReflectionType:: Fixed bug ReflectionType:: Fixed bug ReflectionClass:: Failure to retrieve a reflection object or retrieve an object property will now throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error.

Fixed bug Session does not report invalid uid for files save handler. Session ID without hashing. Custom session handlers that do not return strings for session IDs will now throw an instance of Error instead myb money maker resulting in a fatal error when a function is called that must generate a session ID.

An invalid setting for session. Fixed bug Use After Free in unserialize forex exchange nagpur Unexpected Session Deserialization. Improved fix for bug Empty session IDs do still start sessions. Session save handlers must return 'string' always for successful read. Non-existing session read must return empty string. Fixed bug NULL pointer dereference in SimpleXMLElement:: Fixed bug Null coalescing operator doesn't behave as expected with SimpleXMLElement.

Fixed bug Using global var doesn't work while accessing SimpleXML element. Creating an unnamed or duplicate attribute will throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error. Fixed bug Use After Free Vulnerability in SNMP with GC and unserialize. Fixed bug SoapServer reports Bad Request when gzipped. Fixed bug Nested object in "any" element overwrites other fields. Fixed bug Peer verification fails when using a proxy with SoapClient.

Fixed bug Soap Server Member variables reference bug. Fixed bug Using references in arrays doesn't work like expected. Fixed bug Segfault on clone on splFileObject. Fixed bug Missing type check when unserializing SplArray.

Fixed bug Romanian stock market history chart Fixed bug AppendIterator segfault with closed generator. Attempting to clone an SplDirectory object will throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error. Fixed bug GlobIterator throws LogicException. Update to SQLite 3.

Fixed bug is fetched as string. Fixed bug Spurious warning when exception is thrown in user defined function. Implemented FR SQLite should allow opening with empty filename. Fixed bug Clearing bindings on an SQLite3 statement doesn't work. Implemented FR Upgraded bundled SQLite lib to 3. Fixed bug Scope not inherited by eval in assert. Fixed bug Accessing a private constant using constant creates an exception AND warning. Fixed bug Negative ftruncate on php: Fixed bug getimagesize returning FALSE on valid jpg.

Fixed bug 60 second binary option mt4 glossary fields incorrectly split if escape char followed by UTF chars.

More precise float values. Fixed bug readfile mangles files larger than 2G. Fixed bug long2ip doesn't accept integers in strict mode. Implemented FR Provide a way to fetch the current environment variables. Implemented FR Multiple small packets send for HTTP request. Fixed bug ftps: Fixed bug Problems with the ftps wrapper. Fixed bug opendir does not work with ftps: Fixed bug opendir with ftp: Fixed bug Stream socket with remote address leads to a segmentation fault.

Implemented support for libtidy 5. Creating a tidyNode manually will now throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error. Fixed bug NULL Pointer Dereference in WDDX Packet Deserialization with PDORow.

Fixed bug boolean always deserialized as "true". A circular reference when serializing will pokemon gold version strategy guide throw an instance of Error instead of resulting in a fatal error.

Fixed bug impossible to compile php with zip support. Fixed bug Exception:: Fixed bug Autoload with Opcache allows importing conflicting class name to namespace. Fixed bug Sub- Namespaces unexpected behaviour. Fix pthreads detection when cross-compiling. Fixed bug Exception thrown from error handler causes valgrind warnings and crashes.

Properly allow for stdin input from a file. Fixed bug Simple SIGINT does not have any effect with -rr. Fixed bug INI files are loaded even invoked as -n --version. Fixed bug Peer verification fails when using a proxy with SoapClient SQLite3: Fixed bug PHP Crashes When Modifying Array Containing MySQLi Result Data.

Fixed next command not stopping when leaving function. Fixed bugFixed bug SplObjectStorage unserialize allows use of non-object as key. Updated bundled SQLite3 to 3. Fixed bug Depacking with wrong password leaves 0 length files. Fixed bug PHP Crashes on duplicate destructor call. Fixed bug Heap overflow in mysqlnd related to BIT fields. Fixed bug PHP7: Downgraded bundled SQLite to 3. Fixed bug Cannot declare public method with signature incompatible with parent private method.

Fixed bug microtime leaks memory. Fixed bug causing ClosedGeneratorException being thrown into the calling code instead of the Generator yielding from.

Fixed potential segfault in object storage freeing in shutdown sequence. CVE Fixed bug PHP Session Data Injection Vulnerability. CVE Fixed bug getmxrr broken. Fixed bug suspicious if-else statements. CVE Fixed bug imagegammacorrect allows arbitrary write access. CVE Fixed bug imagecropauto out-of-bounds access Intl: Fixed bug SQLite Updated to SQLite3 3. Fixed bug If host name cannot be resolved then PHP 7 crashes.

Fixed bug segfault, past-the-end access. Fixed bug Integer Overflow in nl2br. Fixed bug Integer Overflow in Length of String-typed ZVAL. Fixed bug invalid dimensions can lead to crash. Fixed bug Integer Overflow in gdImagePaletteToTrueColor resulting in heap overflow.

Fixed remington 700 bdl 30-06 wood stock selectordinal doesn't work with named parameters. Fixed bug Segfault core dumped if paramno beyond bound. Fixed bug phpdbg fatal errors with coverage. Fixed bug range with float step produces unexpected result. Fixed bug ZipArchive call to a member function setattribute() on a non-object zend filenames to unrecoverable form.

Fixed bug ZipArchive class Use After Free Vulnerability in PHP's GC algorithm and unserialize. Add compiler option to disable special case function calls. Fixed bug crash on complex code. Fixed bug implode inserts garbage into resulting string when joins very big integer. Fixed bug PHP Hangs when using custom error handler and typehint.

Fixed bug Function calls with values to a by-ref parameter don't always throw a notice. Fixed bug Imported Class Overrides Local Class Name. Fixed bug imagescale out-of-bounds read. Fixed bug Add intl. Fixed bug Including a file with anonymous classes multiple times leads to fatal error. NULL converts to empty string.

Patch to is reverted. Failed to decode session object. Fixed bug The reference in CallbackFilterIterator doesn't work as expected. Fixed bug bindValue is not using the right data type. Fixed bug Reference is lost in "switch". Fixed bug Interfaces allow final and abstract functions. Fixed bug Null coalescing operator and ArrayAccess. Fixed bug Segmentation fault on ZTS with gethostbyname. Fixed bug Inheritance, traits and interfaces.

Fixed bug Null coalescing operator and magic. Fixed bug Cannot access array keys while uksort. Fixed bug ArrayAccess, isset and the offsetExists method. Fixed bug ArrayObject and isset are not friends. Fixed bug DateInterval:: Fixed bug Out of bounds heap read access in exif header processing.

CVE, CVE, CVE GD: Fixed bug libgd: Fixed bug IntlDateFormatter looses locale if pattern is set via constructor. Fixed bug Missing constant: Fixed bugInconsistencies in return values of IntlChar methods.

Fixed bug Quotes inside comments not properly handled. Add DBLIB-specific attributes for controlling timeouts. Fixed bug Nested foreach assign-by-reference creates broken variables. Fixed bug Deserializing serialized SPLObjectStorage-Object can't access properties in PHP.

Fixed bug Double-free in SplDoublyLinkedList:: Fixed bug Cloned SplObjectStorage with overwritten getHash fails offsetExists. Fixed bug Unserialize crushes on restore object reference.

Fixed bug Unserialize accepts wrongly data. Fixed bug Wrong arrays behaviour. Fixed bug integer overflow in ZipArchive:: Huge pages disabled by default. Fixed bug Call-by-reference widens scope to uninvolved functions when used in switch. Fixed bug Global variables are reserved before execution.

Fixed bug Strings used in pass-as-reference cannot be used to invoke C:: Fixed bug Segmentation fault on ZTS with date function setlocale. Fixed bug Leaked 1 hashtable iterators. Fixed bug yield from does not count EOLs. Fixed bug ReflectionMethod:: Fixed bug DatePeriod:: Fixed bug Access Violation crashes php-cgi. Fixed bugExecuting prepared statements is succesfull only for the first two statements.

Fixed bug segmentation fault in pcre running twig tests. Fixed bug PDO:: MSSQL forces format of irs stock sales form fields. Fixed bug Crash in php7. Fixed bug PharData fails to open specific file.

Fixed crash when advancing except step inside an what time does australian forex market open function. Fixed bug private properties lost when unserializing ArrayObject.

Update bundled libzip to 1. Fixed bug Chris moneymaker poker website using built-in webserver with intl using symfony. Fixed bug Crash because of VM stack corruption on Magento2.

Fixed bug Return typehint on internal func causes Fatal error when it throws exception. Fixed bug Variable references on array elements don't work when using count. Fixed call to a member function setattribute() on a non-object zend finally free buy sell indicator forex not executed after yield from. CVE, CVE, CVE CLI server: Fixed bug Built-in HTTP server, we can download file in web by bug.

Fixed bug finfo throws notice for specific python file. Fixed bug FPM not working with Apache httpd 2. Fixed bug php-fpm dumped core. Fixed bug Possible use-after-free of ZCG cwd in Zend Opcache. Fixed bug PCRE segfault from Opcache. Fixed bug compact maintains references in php7. Fixed bug NULL pointer dereference in Zip:: Added support for new HTTP code.

call to a member function setattribute() on a non-object zend

Fixed bug exec functions ignore length but look for NULL termination. Fixed bug round segfault on bit builds. Fixed bug Wrong interface is enforced. Fixed bug A wrong ext directory setup in php. Fixed bug Bad method called on cloning an object having a trait. Fixed bug Memory leak with consecutive yield from. Fixed bug Integer overflow in iptcembed. Improved fix for bug Fixed bug Crash when optional resource is omitted. Upgraded bundled PCRE library to 8.

CVE, CVE, CVE, CVE, CVE, CVE, CVE, CVE Phar: Fixed bug Stack overflow when decompressing tar archives. Fixed bug crash with bad soap request. Fixed bug Autoload function registered by another not activated immediately.

Fixed bug Use-after-free vulnerability in SPL ArrayObject, unserialize. Fixed bug Use-after-free vulnerability in SPL SplObjectStorage, unserialize.

Fixed bug Error message contains hexadecimal instead of decimal number. Fixed bugrange segfaults. Fixed bug Type Confusion in WDDX Packet Deserialization. Fixed bug Segmentation Fault: Fixed bug Segmentation fault with return type hinting. Fixed bug Local object in class method stays in memory for each call. Fixed bug Extension tests fail on dynamic ext dependency. Fixed bug Incorrect HT iterator invalidation causes iterator reuse.

Fixed bug Negating zero does not produce negative zero. Fixed bug Unary add on negative zero produces positive zero. Fixed bug Sementation fault when using cURL with ZTS. Fixed key leak with invalid resource. Fixed bug Memory Read via gdImageRotateInterpolated Array Index Out of Bounds. Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

Fixed bug Session GC may not remove obsolete session data. Fixed bug ReflectionMethod for ArrayObject constructor returns wrong number of parameters. Fixed bug Performance Degradation in ArrayIterator with large arrays. Fixed bug Heap BufferOver Flow in escapeshell functions.

Fixed bug Use After Free Vulnerability in WDDX Packet Deserialization. Fixed bug Session WDDX Packet Deserialization Type Confusion Vulnerability. Fixed bug Format String Vulnerability in Class Name Error Message. CVE Fixed bug Compile fails on system with CPUs. Fixed bug When using parentClass:: Fixed bug Segfault when combining error handler with output buffering. Fixed bug Invalid opcode while using:: Fixed bug Two errors messages are in conflict.

Fixed bug yield from incorrectly marks valid generator as finished. Fixed bug buildconf failure in extensions. Fixed bug SAPI build problem on AIX: Fixed exception not being thrown immediately into a generator yielding from an array. Fixed bug static:: Fixed bug Incorrect exception handler with yield from. Fixed double free in error condition of format printer. Fixed bug Use after free in Collator:: Fixed bug Unable to use PHP 7.

Fixed bug Segmentation fault with opcache. Fixed stderr being written to stdout. Fixed bug ReflectionProperty:: Fixed bug setStaticPropertyValue behaviors inconsistently with 5. Fixed bug Array key references break argument processing.

Fixed bug Undefined index with ArrayIterator. Fixed bug SQLite3Stmt:: Fixed bug Null ptr dereference instantiating class with invalid array property. Fixed bugnull ptr deref and segfault with crafted calable. Fixed bug Segmentation fault while running PHPUnit tests on phpBB 3. Fixed bug Segmentation faults whilst running Drupal 8 test suite. Fixed bug Persistent Stream Segmentation Fault. Fixed bug Regression on private static properties access. Fixed bug Exception handler does not work as expected.

Fixed bug Infinite loop due to exception during identical comparison. Fixed bug Closure:: Fixed bug Duplicate array key via undefined index error handler. Fixed bug Memleak on return type verifying failed. Fixed bug Redundant information printed in case of uncaught engine exception. Fixed bug unsetting function variables corrupts backtrace.

Fixed bug assert with instanceof adds apostrophes around class name. Fixed bug Wrong behavior while returning reference on object. Fixed bug Syntactical inconsistency with new group use syntax. Fixed bug Magic getter breaks reference to array property. Fixed bug Notice: Unexpected end of serialized data. Fixed bug From field incorrectly parsed from headers. Fixed bug Bundled libtool. Fixed bug causing exception traces with anon classes to be truncated. Fixed bug Segmentation fault when using Closure:: Fixed bug Memleak while assigning object offsetGet result.

Fixed bug Accessing array crashes PHP 7. Fixed bug Incrementing value returned by magic getter. Fixed bug Finally is broken with opcache. Fixed bug SAPI may truncate POST data. Fixed bug Checking liveness does not work as expected. Fixed bugSkipped assertions affect Generator returns. Fixed bug Creating a huge array doesn't result in exhausted, but segfault. Fixed bug Real memory usage doesn't decrease. Fixed bug Unexpected return type error.

Fixed bug Inheritance by anonymous class. Fixed bug SIGSEGV array. Fixed bug 'asm' operand has impossible constraints. Fixed bug Remotely triggerable stack exhaustion via recursive method calls. Fixed bug Different arrays compare indentical due to integer key truncation. Fixed bug Build failure on bit Mac OS X Fixed bug Exception lost with nested finally block. Fixed bug Changing the property of a cloned object affects the original. Fixed bug Use after free with assign by ref to overloaded objects.

Fixed bug Segfault when trying to combine [] and assign-op on ArrayAccess object. Fixed bug Too long timeout on pipes. Fixed bug uninitialised value in strtr with array. Fixed bug Reflection on Closure:: Fixed bug Serialization of anonymous classes should be prevented. Fixed bug phpinfo does not report many Windows SKUs.

Fixed bug Null coalesce operator doesn't work for string offsets. Fixed bug Unexpected array comparison result. Fixed bug Strict comparison between integer and empty string keys crashes. Fixed bug Default parameter value with wrong type segfaults. Fixed bug Fatal error: Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency? Fixed weird operators behavior. Compile-time evaluation of division by zero is disabled.

Fixed bug Hash table collision leads to inaccessible array keys. Fixed bug Closure executed via static autoload incorrectly marked as static. Fixed bug Cannot access static:: Fixed bug call a private function in closure failed. Fixed bug Segfault when calling phpversion 'spl'.

Added options parameter for unserialize allowing to specify acceptable classes https: Fixed bug Garbage collector can free zvals that are still referenced. Implemented FR phpinfo: Fixed oversight where define did not support arrays yet const syntax did. Use "integer" and "float" instead of "long" and "double" in ZPP, type hint and conversion error messages.

Removed support for -style comments in ini files. Removed support for assigning the result of new by reference. Invalid octal literals in source code now produce compile errors, fixes PHPSadness Removed dl function on fpm-fcgi.

Removed support for hexadecimal numeric strings. Removed obsolete extensions and SAPIs. See the full list in UPGRADING. Added NULL byte protection to exec, system and passthru. Fixed bug Number 2.

Fixed bug CLI server directory traversal. Fixed bug responses return Content-Type header. Refactor MIME type handling to use a hash table instead of linear search. Update the MIME type list from the one shipped by Apache HTTPD. Added support for SEARCH WebDav method. Fixed bug Casting object to bool returns false. Removed support for unsafe file uploads. Fixed bug strtotime does not emit warning when 2nd parameter is object or string.

Added "v" DateTime format modifier to get the 3-digit version of fraction of seconds. Implemented FR Added DateTime:: Fixed bug useless comparisons. Fixed bug "Couldn't fetch" error in DOMDocument:: Fixed bug Assigning to DOMNode:: Fixed bug Segmenation fault access violation when iterating over DOMNodeList. Fixed bug libmagic: Fixed bug "php-fpm -i" crashes. Fixed bug HTTP Authorization Header is sometimes passed to newer reqeusts.

Fixed bug Unknown admin values segfault pools. Fixed bug Cannot specify config lines longer than bytes. Implemented FR Split main fpm config.

php - Zend Framework2 Fatal error: Call to a member function setAttribute() on a non-object in C:\dir\module\Application\view\layout\ on line 39 - Stack Overflow

Fixed bug FTPS support on Windows. Fixed bug imagerectangle problem with point ordering. Fixed bug Stack overflow with imagefilltoborder. CVE Fixed bug imagecreatefromwebm shifts colors.

Fixed bug imagewebp doesn't pad to even length. Fixed bug imagerotate by degrees truncates image by 1px. Fixed bug imagescale Fixed bug imagescale segfault with palette based image. Fixed bug Zero-height rectangle has whiskers. Fixed bug imagecrop add a black line when cropping. Fixed bug copy 'n paste error. Fixed bug PHP segfaults in imagexbm.

Replace libvpx with libwebp for bundled libgd. Fixed bug imagegammacorrect function loses alpha channel. Made fontFetch's path parser thread-safe. Fixed bug Use after free vulnerability in unserialize with GMP. Fixed bug HAVAL gives wrong hashes in specific cases. Fixed bug Building with static imap fails. Fixed bug curl multi leaking memory.

Fixed bug IntlChar:: Replace non-free JSON parser with a parser from Jsond extension, fixes JSON extension includes a problematic license statement. Updated LiteSpeed SAPI code from V5. Fixed bug mcrypt fd caching not working. Fixed possible read after end of buffer and use after free. Fixed bug constructor of mysqli has wrong name. Fixed bug SQL Result Sets With NULL Can Cause Fatal Memory Errors.

Unknown type sent by the server. Fixed bug mysqlnd doesn't activate TCP keep-alive when connecting to a server. Fixed memory leak with LOBs. Fixed bug OCI int overflow. Corrected oci8 hash destructors to prevent segfaults, and a few other fixes. Fixed bug PHP segfaults when accessing nvarchar max defined columns. Fixed bug Segmentation fault on MacOSX with opcache. Fixed bug Undefined Symbols from opcache. Fixed compatibility with Windows 10 see also bug Attmpt to fix "Unable to reattach to base address" problem.

Fixed bug Warning Internal error: Fixed bug Empty while and do-while segmentation fault with opcode on CLI enabled.

PHP: PHP 7 ChangeLog

Fixed bug Segfault when a function uses both an explicit return type and an explicit cast. Fixed bug Build fails when building for i Fixed bug Crash with opcache using opcache. Now doc comments loading costs nothing and always enabled. Fixed bug Wrong size calculation for function table.

Fixed bug segfault with eval and opcache fast shutdown. Added experimental disabled by default file based opcode cache. Fixed bug strlen incorrect: Require at least OpenSSL version 0. Fixed bug Lookup for openssl. Fixed bug openssl extension does not get the DH parameters from DH key resource. Implemented FR Added wifcontinued and wcontinued. Fixed bug Multiple vulnerabilities related to PCRE functions.

Fixed bug PDO constructor changes unrelated variables. Fixed bug Segmentation fault on nextRowset. Fixed bug Add new PDO mysql connection attr to control multi statements option. Fixed bug PDOStatement:: Fixed bug Files extracted from archive may be placed outside of destination directory.

Fixed bug incorrect exit code in -rr mode with Exceptions. Fixed bug Run and quit mode -qrr should not fallback to interactive mode. Fixed bug Help overview -h does not rpint anything under Windows.

Fixed bug PHP won't compile on Fixed bug Segfault when displaying memory leaks. Fixed bug Wrong docblock assignment. Fixed bug ReflectionFunction:: Fixed bug causing bogus traces for ReflectionGenerator:: Fixed inheritance chain of Reflector interface. Added reflection support for return types and type declarations. Fixed bug Segmentation fault when regenerating session id with strict mode. Fixed bug Session read causes "String is not zero-terminated" error.

Fixed bug Data integrity issues accessing superglobals by reference. Fixed bug SoapClient systematic out of memory error. Fixed bug Segmentation fault if wsdl has no targetNamespace attribute. Fixed bug Segmentation fault inside soap client. Fixed bug SOAP Client generates Segfault. Fixed bug Segmentation fault after more than SoapClient calls. Fixed bug Segmentation fault on SoapClient:: Fixed bug ArrayObject unserialize does not restore protected fields.

Fixed bug SplFixedArray throws exception when using ref variable as index. Fixed bug PCRE JIT and pattern reuse segfault. Fixed bug Incorrect ArrayObject serialization if unset is called in serialize. Fixed bug Cloning SplPriorityQueue leads to memory leaks.

Fixed bug Incorrect constructor reflection for ArrayObject. Fixed bug Dangling pointer in the unserialization of ArrayObject items. Fixed bug Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize with SPLArrayObject. Fixed bug Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize with SplObjectStorage. Fixed bug Use After Free Vulnerability in unserialize with SplDoublyLinkedList. Fixed bug MutlitpleIterator array-keys incompatible change in PHP 7.

Removed "Array was modified outside object and internal position is no longer valid" hack. Fixed bug RecursiveDirectoryIterator:: Fixed bug Use-after-free vulnerability in sqlite3SafetyCheckSickOrOk. Fixed bug segfault when manually constructing SQLite3Result.

Fixed bug SQLite3Result:: Fixed count on symbol tables. Fixed bug Unserialize shows UNKNOWN in result.

php - Fatal error: Call to a member function setAttribute() on null when creating form using zend framework 2 - Stack Overflow

Fixed bug extract breaks variable references. Fixed bug strtr causes invalid writes and a crashes. Fixed bug pack 'x' produces an error. Fixed bug Segmentation fault with setrawcookie. Fixed bug setcookie conditional for empty values not met. Fixed bug Use-after-free vulnerability in unserialize with SplObjectStorage. Fixed bug Use-after-free vulnerability in unserialize with SplDoublyLinkedList. Fixed bug extract turns array elements to references. Fixed bug Assert breaking access on objects.

Implemented FR Allow "dirname" to go up various times. Fixed bug scandir duplicates file name at every th file. Fixed bug Repeated iptcembed adds superfluous FF bytes. Fixed bug exec does not strip all whitespace. Fixed bug Unable to parse "all" urls with colon char. Fixed bug Truncating entire string should result in string. Fixed bug Cookie name cannot be empty. Fixed user session handlers See rfc: Improved precision of log function for base 2 and Remove string category support in setlocale.

Fixed bug flock out parameter not set correctly in windows. Added Windows support for getrusage. Fixed bug HTTP stream wrapper doesn't close keep-alive connections. Fixed bug convert. Fixed bug XmlReader read generates extra output. Fixed bug PHP7 returns true when false is expected. Fixed bug XSLT: Fixed bug NULL pointer dereference. Fixed bug The XSLT extension is not thread safe.

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