How to earn money in project entropia

How to earn money in project entropia

By: RDSander Date of post: 16.07.2017

Entropia Universe is in constant motion. It keeps expanding as new planets are discovered, each one different from the rest.

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As a player you can travel between the different planets inside Entropia Universe and explore lost worlds, fight robots, search for lost treasure, participate in epic missions and a lot more. Please have a look at the different planets inside Entropia Universe and discover which planet you want to call home Planet Arkadia is for you if you want to be a treasure hunter!

On the only continent of the planet you can explore ruins and discover treasure and hidden artifacts. Explore Planet Calypso for free for as long as you want from vast deserts to the mountains. Earn a weekly income by purchasing a land deed and watch your wallet grow. Planet Cyrene is a planet teaming with life, and many creatures on Cyrene fight the daily struggle to survive.

Along with the multitude of indigenous fauna, Cyrene is also host to multiple intelligent races that have thrived and evolved on Cyrene. Use the dense forest to sneak up on your target and take down your prey. Welcome to the tropical paradise that is NextIsland. Explore the planet and see th beutiful beaches, ancient cities and mythical creatures. Basic Mining Mining inside Entropia Universe can be a fun and rewarding experience. This guide will tell you some of the basics you need to understand in order to mine inside Entropia Universe.

Entropia Universe is to a large extent a "user driven" game. This means that the majority of commonly used items, such as armor, weapons, tools and other items, are crafted. To craft an item you will need minerals and blueprints. The miners of Entropia Universe supply the crafters with the minerals needed to craft the various items avalible to the other participants.

As a good miner you can earn a lot of cash inside Entropia Universe! Mining in Entropia Universe is one of the professions where you need the least amount of gear to get started, but it is also a profession where you need to know what to do - when. Mining inside Entropia Universe is done by equipping your detornator and selecting which types of resources you want to search for.

At the moment you can search for Ores, Enmatters and Treasure. To search for each type of mineral you will need to add more bombs to be dropped per "click". This is simply done by selecting which mineral types you are looking for.

It is adviced that you only search for enmatter when looking for good mining spots as this type of mineral requieres the lowest amount of bombs to be found. Once you find a deposit of enmatter, you can select to also search for ore in the same area.

Treasure is only avalible on Planet Arkadia. So, you are looking for the next 20 USD mineral find are you? Sure, we all would like to find the next huge mineral find, and amplified mining is defenetly a good way to improve your chances.

Aplified mining can get very expensive, very fast. Instead of paying 1 PED per bomb you drop.

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When you do find something, it is often a bigger deposit - but, you need to find something fast for it to be profitable. If you want to mine the most effecient way, you need to spend a little money on locating a good mineral field. You can search the forums and various mining tools for Entropia Universe to discover where other people have been mining.

But, the nature of those mining fields is that they are well known and often "over mined". To profit mining in Entropia Universe you need to find your own mining field.

Then, figure out how quickly the minerals respawn in that area, and keep mining it at those intervals - this way you keep the mineral area a secret for as long as possible. Atrox Old Alpha dropped loot with a value of PED on Otorugi Alpha dropped loot with a value of PED on Scoria Young dropped loot with a value of PED on Feffoid Guard dropped loot with a value of PED on Osseocollum Stalker dropped loot with a value of PED on Huon Young dropped loot with a value of PED on Warlock Gen 07 dropped loot with a value of PED on Osseocollum Prowler dropped loot with a value of PED on Warrior Exterminator dropped loot with a value of PED on Death Drake Young dropped loot with a value of PED on Reclaimer C1-TF dropped loot with a value of PED on Pop Dragon Dominant dropped loot with a value of PED on Scoria Dominant dropped loot with a value of PED on We recommend Download Entropia Universe Start you Entropia Universe expeience by downloading the game free of charge.

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How To Make Money In Entropia Universe

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