Call forwarding verizon business landline

Call forwarding verizon business landline

By: Ambidextr Date of post: 09.07.2017
call forwarding verizon business landline

Operating a business places many demands on your time, and sometimes it just isn't possible to handle everything within a given time frame. If you're torn between waiting for a phone call and leaving for your next appointment, it might be time to set up call forwarding on your business line.


Telephone companies such as Verizon enable you to forward calls from your business line to a cellular phone or other alternative number, helping you stay in touch when you're out of the office. If your phone is a vintage model and doesn't support tone dialing, dial the number instead.

How to Use Guide: Call Forwarding | Verizon Wireless

The dial tone will pause and then return. Punch in or dial the forwarding telephone number.

This might be your cellular number, another branch of your business, or a home or satellite office. The number will ring.

call forwarding verizon business landline

Answer the phone, if it's your cellular. If the phone is in a remote location, arrange to have someone else answer it for you. You'll hear two tones, indicating that call forwarding is turned on.

Call Forwarding FAQs | Verizon Wireless

Hang up the receiver. If you can't arrange for someone to answer the other telephone, repeat your call within two minutes. Verizon will recognize this as a signal to turn on your forwarding, and you'll hear the same two short tones to tell you it's active.

You'll hear a confirmation tone to let you know call forwarding is turned off. Fred Decker is a trained chef and certified food-safety trainer.

Set Up Voice Mail, Caller ID, Call Forwarding - Small Business Phone Customer Service | Verizon

Decker wrote for the Saint John, New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal, and has been published in Canada's Hospitality and Foodservice magazine. He's held positions selling computers, insurance and mutual funds, and was educated at Memorial University of Newfoundland and the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.

Bright House Digital Phone System Call Forwarding.

call forwarding verizon business landline

References Verizon Small Business Support: Set a Call Forwarding Number. About the Author Fred Decker is a trained chef and certified food-safety trainer. SHARE SHARE TWEET EMAIL.

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