Binary domain strategy guide

Binary domain strategy guide

By: LeonP Date of post: 21.07.2017

The battle system in this game is not very good. Taking cover is important like in gears of war but it doesn't save you from attacks. Also enemies can take quite some punishment, which is a problem on higher difficulties.

The main problem why the battle system is bad is that as soon as you get hit, your aiming gets disrupted. This is quite natural, but considering that enemies never seem to reload, miss or leave fortifications, it can get quite challenging to kill enemies fast especially gun emplacements are a real pain! Not a real tip, but being prepared is worth a lot.

Binary Domain Official Strategy Guide :

Any special kills you rack up headshots, smashes, etc. This makes it rather easy since you can start a new playthrough on easy after you did your last one to rack up any remaining kills.

Upgrade your weapons damage at every possible vending machine if possible. This will make most battles easier since your damage output increases significantly.

The next important upgrades are accuracy, range and clip size, in that order. Especially on No Mercy difficulty you should pay close attention to these! Also make sure to carry always the maximum ammo and health packs since the boss fights will most likely eat up all of them.

binary domain strategy guide

The bosomic charge is a really powerful tool against large groups of shield carriers, hollow children and bosses. I recommend to get either the maximum number of possible charges or at least 5. These are especially necessary on No Mercy since you will need often some breathing space or immobilized enemies.

Also note that you only can use them with your main weapon! Trust is an important thing in this game. Your team members will act more effectively, will freely try to revive you and follow your orders with more success. To increase it, you need to either answer the correct things during dialogues mostly agreeing is sufficient and not running away or do some heroic deeds like headshots, smashkills, multi, etc. Keep these things in mind when you go for the max trust achievements.

Also make sure to equip as soon as you get it, the trust amplifier nanomech, since this will increase the trust earned significantly!

binary domain strategy guide

Not a huge tip, but I strongly recommend aiming either for the head or the legs at humanoid target. The head is obvious, BUT it also will destroy the sensory receptors and they will start attacking their own people, sowing destruction and confusion in their ranks. As for the legs, they are most of the time weakly armored and as soon as you destroy one of them, they fall over and are only able to crawl.

The legs are a special tip against hollow children.

Equipping the right nanomech is crucial to your survival, so make sure to equip the things that work best for your playstyle. Also make sure to not forget to upgrade weapons regularly and keep also an eye on the equipment of your teammates.

For the MP part and the challenges, make sure to keep a list on what you have and what you need. Since you can't check while in the game you will be grateful to have a sheet of reference. Turn off the auto-shutdown of your console!

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Especially if you are idle boosting some game types, this can get annoying since you will lose out on a lot of wins! Xbox, Xbox Live, and all other Xbox Live specific terms are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Concept, Design, Programming and Server Stuff by Rich Stone aka TrueAchievement. TrueAchievements Log in or Register Free. Binary Domain Walkthrough 2. General hints and tips There are a few things which I found out during my playthroughs.

Not a real tip, but being prepared is worth a lot Any special kills you rack up headshots, smashes, etc. Find anything you think is wrong with this walkthrough? Help us fix it by posting in its Walkthrough Thread. This walkthrough is the property of TrueAchievements. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. Quantum of Solace PC. Army of Two Asian. Army of Two EU. The 40th Day JP. Battlefield 4 Xbox Battlefield 4 Xbox One. Concept, Design, Programming and Server Stuff by Rich Stone aka TrueAchievement Available on Mobile.

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